Update Brush Fire 07/01/2019 INC#1415

Update Brush Fire; INC#1415; 07:41PM; 11500 N Topanga Canyon Bl; http://bit.ly/2XhrbNg; Chatsworth; The bulk of the fire is extinguished and firefighters have established hand lines around the perimeter;LAFD and VCFD remain on scene to assist until LA County FD assumes command, this is in LACoFD jurisdiction;ALL further questions on this incident = LACoFD; FS 96; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC15 BC17 E103 E104 E106 E107 E28 E290 E296 E70 E8 E90 EM15 H3 H4 H6 HA3 HA4 HA6 RA96 T90 T96; CH5; 12; Margaret Stewart
