Update Brush Fire CONTAINED 06/30/2020 INC#1074

Update CONTAINED Brush Fire; INC#1074; 06:45PM; 834 W Av 37; https://bit.ly/31yxM78; Mount Washington; LAFD firefighters protected both homes behind the brush fire by ground and air. The flames burned approximately one acre before the firefighters contained the fire. Proper brush clearance by the homeowner played a large role in allowing 62 firefighters to extinguish the fire in approximately 48 minutes. Crews will remain on scene to improve the line around the perimeter and extinguish any remaining hot spots or smoldering material. No reported injuries. The cause is under investigation; FS 44; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM22 E1 E12 E16 E201 E203 E212 E220 E250 E3 E4 E44 E47 E55 E90 EM1 H1 H3 H6 HA1 HA3 HA6 RA12 T1 T12 T20 T3 T50; CH5; 13; -Nicholas Prange
