Update #CapriFire Brush Fire 09/19/2020 INC#1269

Update #CapriFire Brush Fire; INC#1269; 08:45PM; Santa Monica Mountains; https://bit.ly/2RGfMRM; Brentwood; A steady air and ground firefight continues in rugged and remote terrain with 81 LAFD personnel (including 4 LAFD helicopters) joined by a LACoFD helicopter and handcrews in Automatic Aid, battling what remains an almost unchanged footprint of stubborn flame, involving one-quarter (0.25) acre medium-to-heavy brush near the Sullivan Fire Road in Rustic Canyon in the vicinity of Murphy Ranch. There remains no structure threat, and no need for evacuation.; FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC706 BC9 BP19 BP23 BP44 CE83 CM42 E19 E23 E237 E269 E290 E292 E59 E62 E71 E84 E90 EM9 H1 H4 H6 HA1 HA4 HA6 RA19 RA69 T37 T69 T90 T92; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
