Update Debris Flow, Large 01/14/2019 INC#1239

Update Debris Flow, Large; INC#1239; 10:10PM; 17986 W Boris Dr; http://bit.ly/2FyoCw8; Encino; A Grading Expert (not Geologist) evaluated the hillside and with no further rain forecasted for this evening, no risk of additional side is anticipated;However, it is impossible to definitively predict what the hillside could potentially do therefore, a Voluntary evacuation was issued for 14 homes on Boris Dr and Martson Dr; All residents of the affected homes have been notified by LAPD by 'door-knocking';At first light tomorrow, both the Geologist and Grading Expert will perform further evaluation, knowing additional rain is expected later tomorrow;LAFD Captain Silverman will remain on scene for media availability until shortly after 11PM;LAFD PIO Scott is planned to be on scene tomorrow morning for media availability ; FS 83; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; BC17 CL1 E109 E293 E73 PI4 T93 UR88; CH8; 13; Margaret Stewart
