Update Explosion 01/22/2020 INC#0752

Update Explosion; INC#0752; 03:00PM; 12224 W Montague St; http://bit.ly/38uGkfm; Pacoima; The patient is still in critical condition at a local hospital with severe burns, after being lit on fire by an explosion near the electrical panel of a large one-story commercial building. Bystanders used fire extinguishers to douse the flames and save the man. DWP arrived on scene to de-energize the area. The remaining fire at the electrical panel has been extinguished, now that the electrical hazard has been eliminated. No other injuries. Unknown cause of the explosion. Mayors crisis response team responding; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AR11 AR2 BC12 CM42 E275 E298 E77 E87 E91 E98 EM12 PH1 PI3 RA7 RA81 RA898 SQ87 T75 T98; CH8; 13; -Nicholas Prange
