Update Fire 11/11/2020 INC#0864

Update Fire; INC#0864; 03:21PM; 11121 W Pendleton St; https://bit.ly/3kl01LZ; Shadow Hills; The deep seated debris fire inside the large recycling facility structure was held in check by a fire sprinkler system prior to LAFD arrival. It continues to smolder within the very large pile, as skilled facility staff work with their heavy equipment to assist firefighters in gaining access to the burning material. There is no structural involvement, and there have been no injuries. No escalating or off-site hazard has been identified. Ten LAFD personnel will remain on site this afternoon to assure complete extinguishment. The fire's cause has yet to be determined.; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 BC14 E289 E298 E77 E89 E98 RA77 RA889 T89 T98; CH9; 17; Brian Humphrey
