Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire #WindsorFire 02/27/2021 INC#1221

Update #WindsorFire Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1221; 07:35PM; 4357 W Victoria Park Dr; https://bit.ly/3kH0Z7r; Mid-City; Address Remains Tentative; With 105 LAFD personnel assigned in offensive fire attack, this incident, known as the "Windsor Fire" remains a Greater Alarm, with flames that extended from a well involved carport on LAFD arrival, to involve both the first and second floors of a nearby 2 story apartment building. No injuries have been reported. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Cody Weireter is en route to assist the media, with an ETA of 8:15 PM.; FS 68; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 BC5 CM22 E11 E13 E211 E215 E226 E227 E229 E26 E261 E27 E29 E294 E66 E68 EA1 EM11 EM13 EM17 EM9 HR3 PI3 RA13 RA34 RA61 RA68 RA826 RA827 T11 T15 T26 T27 T29 T61 T94 UR27 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Brian Humphrey
