Update Hazardous Material Investigation 09/18/2020 INC#1282

Update Hazardous Material Investigation; INC#1282; 07:30PM; 439 S Bonnie Brae St; https://bit.ly/3myu0CH; Westlake; LAFD has determined the source of the carbon monoxide to be propane tanks utilized in an undetermined manner on a 3rd floor balcony. The 2 adult females from that apartment have been taken to an area hospital in fair condition. After using portable fans to thoroughly ventilate the building, LAFD crews found no sustained hazard within the 29,580 square-foot building. Following their short wait in fresh air outside, occupants of the building's 40 other apartment units were allowed to reoccupy their units. None of those persons stated a need for medical treatment..; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 E11 E211 EM11 JT2 RA11 RA3 SQ21 T11; - Brian Humphrey
