Update Hazardous Materials 10/26/2021 INC#0319

Update Hazardous Materials; INC#0319; 08:07AM; 3062 S Crenshaw Bl; https://bit.ly/3vZujvz; Jefferson Park; Firefighters isolated the area and denied entry, to prevent any further exposure to the public, while the LAFD Hazardous Materials team determined a "green substance" from the barrels to be an industrial detergent (similar to commercial hand soap). There was at least one other substance that remained to be determined. JHAT arrived with more specialized testing equipment, however their tests on a second substance remain inconclusive at this time. The sole patient that was initially exposed to the substances showed no symptoms, but accepted recommended transport to the hospital as a precaution due to the substances that (at the time) had yet to be determined. Thankfully, no evacuations were necessary, and this is now a static situation with no further hazard.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC18 E21 E221 E294 E94 EM11 JT2 RA894 RA94 SQ21 T21 T94; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
