Update Hazardous Materials Investigation 09/04/2019 INC#0724

Update Hazardous Materials Investigation; INC#0724; 12:50PM; 855 N Vermont Av; http://bit.ly/2Dcq4nD; East Hollywood; 38 Los Angeles Firefighters including LAFD HazMat experts, have thoroughly examined in and near the 3 story Los Angeles City College Student Union Building, and discovered no identifiable hazard. Eight adult (school maintenance?) workers, including those involved with a floor stripping operation (using chemicals?) on the first floor, initially complained of minor throat irritation, but after walking outside to fresh air, none are desirous of further medical care. Approximately 100 other persons with no illness or injury (their age group and campus affiliation not determined), were calmly shepherded from the building to a nearby location, where they remained until LAFD operations were complete. The building and surrounding area has been returned to the control of campus officials, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, which provides contract security to the campus; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 E21 E221 E29 E56 E6 EM11 RA56 RA82 RA835 RA850 SQ21 T21; - Brian Humphrey
