Update Mud and Debris Flow 01/17/2019 INC#0636

Update Mud and Debris Flow; INC#0636; 03:30PM; 1898 N Stanley Av; http://bit.ly/2RXhWhG; Hollywood Hills West; Preparation is underway to reopen Nichols Canyon Rd; The homes that were under evacuation on the west side of Nichols Canyon Rd are being repopulated; A total of 4 homes in the area have been yellow-tagged (limited access to some or all parts of the property) by the City's Dept of Building & Safety:Two on Stanley Ave, and two on Courtney Terrace (confirmed addresses not yet available); There are no red-tagged structures, and no persons have been injured; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; - Brian Humphrey
