Update Physical Rescue 12/24/2021 INC#0455

Update Physical Rescue; INC#0455; 09:10AM; SB 5 Fwy x Stadium Wy; https://bit.ly/3cLBgIw; Elysian Park; Two big rigs and at least 7 other vehicles were involved in the collision. Of the 7 patients on scene, one was deceased (age/gender remain unknown), 3 transported (67F, 29F, 11F - conditions unknown), and the rest declined transport. One patient who was transported required extrication by firefighters with hydraulic rescue tools. Nothing further. CHP Log # 1211.; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC5 E201 E56 EM1 EM11 EM14 HR3 RA20 RA35 RA56 RA835 RA844 T1 UR88; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
