Update Structure Fire 02/24/2021 INC#1099

Update Structure Fire; INC#1099; 05:51PM; 5727 N Topanga Canyon Bl; https://bit.ly/2NEQyFd; Woodland Hills; FINAL UPDATE: The fire originated in the walls between two units during a plumbing operation (sweating pipes). Firefighters contained the fire to the two units involved, defending the rest of the building. There are no injuries. No further details.; FS 84; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 E105 E273 E290 E293 E305 E60 E72 E84 E93 EM17 RA105 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T90 T93; CH8; 13 17; Margaret Stewart
