Update Structure Fire 05/24/2020 INC#0745

Update Structure Fire; INC#0745; 03:21PM; 413 S Witmer St; https://bit.ly/36tV5z2; Westlake; KNOCKDOWN: 38 firefighters extinguished the fire in 16 mins. The building type is updated to a two story, four-plex. The fire was in a unit on the 2nd floor and firefighters stopped it with only minimal extension to the attic. The fire was prevented from extending to the adjoining unit. No injuries reported; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 E10 E20 E210 E220 E235 E38 RA11 RA20 SQ21 T10 T20 T35; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
