Update Structure Fire 06/30/2019 INC#0608

Update Structure Fire; INC#0608; 12:04PM; 6500 S Stanford Av; http://bit.ly/2Xjli2b; Florence; Fire determined to be electrical problem and now extinguished with no extension into the attic;No injuries reported;Additional resources being canceled; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC6 CM22 E13 E203 E21 E215 E221 E233 E264 E266 E3 E33 E66 EM13 HR3 RA57 RA803 RA846 SQ21 T15 T21 T3 T33 T64 T66 UR3 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
