Update Structure Fire 07/02/2019 INC#0502

Update Structure Fire; INC#0502; 10:20AM; 923 Bloom Wk; http://bit.ly/2NtdtlO; University Park; Fire now out in chemical engineering building at USC. This is a static situation with no current hazard. A small number of students occupying the building were evacuated and the incident was treated as a HAZMAT scene *as a precaution.* Fire location was in an area under construction. Cause is under active investigation by LAFD. Preliminary evidence leads us to believe it was caused by construction operations in that area. No additional evacuation needs. No reported injuries; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AR1 BC11 BC13 CM22 E13 E14 E21 E210 E215 E221 E46 EM11 JT1 JT4 PI2 RA26 RA34 RA810 SQ21 T10 T15 T21; CH7; 12; - Nicholas Prange
