Update Structure Fire 08/07/2019 INC#1610

Update Structure Fire; INC#1610; 09:51PM; 10787 N Big Bend Av; http://bit.ly/2MKY3aI; Sunland; KNOCKDOWN: 31FF in 18 mins;Fire contained to the attached garage and prevented from extending into the residence or the attic;Four patients are being treated/transported - Two occupants of the fire unit 49F in fair condition and 89F in serious condition. One 65M patient in grave condition being treated by paramedics reported to be neighbor to the incident and not in the home at the time of the fire. One approximately 80F being evaluated for undetermined medical complaint also not an occupant of the incident home but located in neighboring home;LAFD Arson attached for the investigation per protocol;No further details; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E24 E274 E298 E77 E98 RA74 RA77 T74 T98; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
