Update Structure Fire 08/09/2021 INC#1684

Update Structure Fire; INC#1684; 10:15PM; 17714 W Ridgeway Rd; https://bit.ly/3s3Ga9L; Granada Hills; During and after the fire, teams of LAFD firefighters methodically searched in and near the 2,481 square-foot 2 story home that contained excessive personal storage, for a missing pet. As the heat and smoke cleared, they sadly found the ( unknown age / gender / breed) dog lifeless and beyond veterinary help. No human injury was reported. Firefighters are providing emotional support to the resident, while actively investigating the cause of the fire.; FS 18; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC15 E18 E275 E287 E8 E87 RA18 RA87 T75 T87; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
