Update Structure Fire 10/29/2019 INC#1107

Update Structure Fire; INC#1107; 04:09PM; 5803 W Camerford Av; http://bit.ly/36j4yZy; Hollywood; KNOCKDOWN: 86 firefighters in 58 mins. Firefighters arrived to find three vacant, single family dwellings (adjacent to each other) well involved in fire. Firefighters quickly initiated fire attack on all three structures, simultaneously and extinguished the fires with no injuries reported. Cause to be determined. No further details; FS 52; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC711 BC771 BC773 BC775 CM22 CM52 E13 E203 E211 E29 E482 E52 E6 E82 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA41 RA52 RA6 T10 T26 T27 T29 T3 T5 UR27 UR3 UR88; CH9; 14 15; Margaret Stewart
