Update Structure Fire 11/29/2019 INC#0096

Update Structure Fire; INC#0096; 02:03AM; 2166 W Audrey Pl; http://bit.ly/2suCX8F; Silver Lake; KNOCKDOWN: 64 Firefighters in 22 minutes. Situation updated to ascending single family dwelling with well involved garage (street level) that extended to the patio with no extension into the residence (below street level). All occupants (adult female and child) safely exited the structure prior to LAFD arrival and no injuries reported. ; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC2 BC5 CM22 E20 E203 E211 E235 E250 E35 E55 E56 E82 EM11 RA20 RA3 RA56 T11 T3 T35 T50 ; CH9; 13 15; Margaret Stewart
