Update Structure Fire 12/09/2019 INC#0545

Update Structure Fire; INC#0545; 11:15AM; 3721 W Evans St; http://bit.ly/2YtQYPM; Los Feliz; Despite the exhaustive efforts of LAFD responders, the unconscious and non-breathing pet dog rescued from the burning home by firefighters, proved beyond medical help, and has died at the scene. The adult male burn patient, who is now described as a resident and the pet's owner, will be admitted to the hospital. The home's 3 other residents, including at least one on premises at the time of the fire, were uninjured. Their housing needs following the fire have yet to been determined. There was no immediate evidence of a functional smoke alarm in the home. The fire's cause remains the focus of an active LAFD investigation.; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; - Brian Humphrey
