Update Structure Fire 12/20/2019 INC#0805

Update Structure Fire; INC#0805; 01:31PM; 11042 W Olinda St; http://bit.ly/2Q7nP9i; Sun Valley; The first arriving firefighters extinguished the fire and ensured no extension into the commercial building. One 30F patient transported with minor burn injury and smoke inhalation. No further details; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC12 BC14 BC5 CM42 E24 E260 E27 E274 E288 E289 E298 E60 E77 E86 E89 E98 EM15 HR3 RA77 RA89 T60 T74 T88 T89 T98 UR27 UR88; CH9; 13 18; Margaret Stewart
