Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/17/2019 INC#1234

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1234; 05:18PM; 921 S St Andrews Pl; http://bit.ly/2PvmSbM; Koreatown; 36 firefighters completely extinguished a vacant (and boarded up) single-family home that was fully involved with fire, in just 15 minutes, while protecting other nearby structures from the flames (one broken window, but no fire spread). Firefighters attacked the bulk of the fire with hose lines inside, while companies on the roof ventilated the fire. After the roof was opened up, firefighters on the roof finished off the portion of the fire that had spread to the attic with rooftop hose lines. A search of the structure revealed no one was inside during the fire. The cause remains unknown; FS 29; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 4; BC11 BC18 E11 E211 E226 E229 E29 E52 RA26 RA52 T26 T29; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
