Update Traffic 12/30/2019 INC#0862

Update Traffic; INC#0862; 02:05PM; 254 W Gage Av; http://bit.ly/2Q9Vlgb; Florence; One male (age unk) patient extricated from the passenger vehicle in critical condition. One 70F from the bus transporting with minor injury. Additional patients were evaluated on the bus (approx 5) but all declined LAFD transport. Questions regarding the collision = LAPD Inc#2731; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AD15 BC13 E233 E33 EM11 EM13 EM5 RA46 RA57 RA833 RA857 RA864 RA866 T33; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
