Update Trapped Vehicle 02/02/2021 INC#1072

Update Trapped Vehicle; INC#1072; 05:00PM; SB 110 Fwy x Rosecrans Av; https://bit.ly/3pIrHOH; Harbor Gateway; LAFD extricated the 40-year-old female patient from the wreckage of the SUV, which was wedged under the back of the MTA bus, and transported her to a local trauma center in moderate condition. Two of the passengers were transported in fair condition with minor injuries (three transports total). Nothing further.; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E233 E266 E33 E57 E64 E65 E79 EM13 HR3 RA264 RA64 T33 T66; CH7; 14; Nicholas Prange
