Update Trapped Vehicle 04/21/2019 INC#1230

Update Trapped Vehicle; INC#1230; 09:07PM; 20500 W Roscoe Bl; http://bit.ly/2GxJ8gp; Winnetka; A total of 8 patients evaluated;2 (adult M and F) transported in *at least* serious condition, 2 transported (genders/age unk) with non-life threatening injuries and remaining four patients are expected to be released on scene; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC17 E104 E106 E296 E72 EM15 EM17 HR3 RA106 RA107 RA72 RA73 RA872 RA896 RA96 T96 UR88; CH8; 18; Margaret Stewart
