Wires Down 03/16/2019 INC#0445

Wires Down; INC#0445; 09:16AM; 14935 W Chatsworth St; http://bit.ly/2TRNdni; Mission Hills; Fire suppression resources responded to a UPS truck entangled in high voltage wires on the East Bound side of the 118 freeway; The driver has been directed to maintain position in the truck until DWP is able to shut down the power lines; CHP has shut down 2 lanes on the EB 118 FWY; Additionally, widespread impact to the North of the freeway impacting several residents as well as streets in the area; DOT and LAPD are responding to control city streets; residents in nearby homes that are impacted have been directed to shelter in place; The situation is static, awaiting DWP to complete shut down and repair of the transmission lines; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E275 E75 E98 RA75 T75; CH8; 17; Brian Wall
