
FireStat Manager Recognized for Generating $15.4 Million for LAFD

Thursday, August 23, 2018

LOS ANGELES - On Tuesday August 21, 2018, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) honored the FireStat for being critically instrumental in generating millions of dollars for our Department.

FireStatLA Manager Drew Steinberg was recognized for her instrumental involvement in the LAFD obtaining a $15.4 million dollar federal Grant, allowing us to fortify resources at four busy fire stations.

But first, a little background: In 2011, due to budgetary constraints 11 Engine Companies, and 7 Light Forces were cut. That’s a total of 270 firefighters positions removed! However, it has been Fire Chief Terrazas, Mayor Garcetti, and UFLAC’s mission to restore our critically diminished personnel. In an effort to do so, our Department has applied over a dozen times for FEMA’s “Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response” or (SAFER) grant, however, to no avail. That is until we unleashed Drew Steinberg. She spearheaded this effort, utilized resources available through Fire Stat, collaborated with IAFF, along with compiling an accurate statistical analysis of our Departments needs to submit a superior grant.

The awarded $15.4 million dollars allowed us to hire a critically needed additional recruit class in early 2018.  This recruit class created the additional personnel necessary to staff the four new engines that went into service July 2018, in Echo Park (Fire Station 20), Lincoln Heights (Fire Station 1), Reseda (Fire Station 73) and Mission Hills (Fire Station 75).

We thank Drew for jumping in with both feet when asked to write this important grant, and because of her initiative, the LAFD received the largest SAFER grant in the nation in 2017.

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